C-BED stands for community based enterprise development, and that is exactly what it does.
In situation of extreme poverty, far away from schools, technology and open markets, communities live and grow, individuals start businesses and try to find their way out of misery. Too often, they only need a small push to scale up the opportunities and good models. The difference with C-BED is that the push comes from within.
Created by the International Labor Organization, the program enables aspiring entrepreneurs, small and small-medium enterprises to be created and to develop. How? Associated with local partners they empower community leaders to take responsibility for enhancing the entrepreneurial drive and skills of their peers. And it works! Action-based group learning goes on and strengthens the abilities of members of these vulnerable and marginalized communities. Far from formal training, solutions exists for self-learning.
This model could maybe apply to many other richer and more developed parts of the world ? As we ask ourselves about how to motivate students? How to impulse self motivation? How to mix online, offline, peer to peer, teacher based models efficiently? Maybe a solution can come from the Global South, once again!
Check out more on: http://cb-tools.org/
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