Connection – information – change
I am fascinated by the paradox of the digital era and how it affects human development and education.
The unlimited connection across the world vs.the dis-connection from near surroundings. The access to infinite information vs. the confusion of what information to absorb. The great possibilities for change vs. procrastination and time-consuming cat-videos.
How can policy-makers plan education in a digital era? Education systems are bureaucratic – digital media is fast changing.
How can we design education systems so people learn through and for digital media in a constructive way? Can we bring together stakeholders to find out what skills will be needed in 20-30-40 years from now, reform our education systems to embrace the digital era, and use the digital media as a force instead of a threat?
If we participate actively in our world (both the digital and the analogue one) we become more responsible for each-other and feel more connected with each-other.