ProductHunt, everyday receive news on the best tech products

Product Hunt buzz is growing and growing, and that’s totally normal. This website is simple and efficient. Everyday you receive by email the 9 best new tech products, you only need to subscribe to their newsletter. No adds, no pollution, only key information and you can directly look into the products you like. The website is also obviously great for funders as they see their product showcased to a qualitative crowd. Should you need to do a benchmark, should you be a tech addict, should you be a product manager, this is a fantastic way to learn about the Tech industry latest hits.

Personally I use it for the « Imagine if applied to learning » posts of the Mirror Network blog. Check them out in the « Knowledge Economy » section. Good tech models are good processes and should be able to impact many sectors, so let’s find the next apps for the killing apps!

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