Perfect Ed-Blend – an example of a 21st century graduate course

I was indeed very pleased to encounter this great program from the Stanford University in the US and the Tsinghua University in Beijing around smart cities.

The topic obviously is of great interest nowadays but what really impressed me was the pedagogical strategy behind the course. First, students can find all the information they need about it on a specific and dedicated website. Courses become products and teachers become stars – but it goes beyond the MOOC approach at it is not about online learning only. It is about presenting the experience online, following up and reflecting on it online but when it comes to experience it, everything is real. Students from the US and from China partner on projects and all projects are service learning based, they all address a key societal issue as well as all the usual technical and economical aspects traditionally being taught.

Finally a well blended course mixing online and offline learning, intercultural exchanges, social engagement, high technicality and expectations. A learning pleasure! Looking forward to seeing more of those…

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