Quartz Initiative – get stoned by engaging socially

Meeting Timothy Low, I got very lucky as he taught me that in Singapore there are about 4000 companies giving leadership training ! Thanks to the government for giving to schools the budget (10 000$ /school /year) to externalize such trainings and making sure Singaporean students are familiar with the needs of their community.

Problem is, as often, that quality doesn’t necessarily meet quantity. And Timothy is precisely on the bright side developing a high quality service learning program called QZI, for Quartz Initiative. Their vision is:’Redefine the way we impact the world’.

They create the Metamorphism training for teenagers (15-17) to rediscover that leadership is also about passion and social engagement. Empathy gives you direction. The good thing is, the process also works with employees in companies looking at making their CSR policy really impactful for people inside and outside the corporation.

Find it in your heart and put your first stone down in the social world.


1er RDV Cartes Blanches - Hackathon "Orientation & Parcours à l'Ere Digitale" INSCRIVEZ VOUS !