Category Archives: Mirror Network

Perfect Ed-Blend – an example of a 21st century graduate course

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

I was indeed very pleased to encounter this great program from the Stanford University in the US and the Tsinghua University in Beijing around smart cities.

The topic obviously is of great interest nowadays but what really impressed me was the pedagogical strategy behind the course. First, students can find all the information they need about it on a specific and dedicated website. Courses become products and teachers become stars – but it goes beyond the MOOC approach at it is not about online learning only. It is about presenting the experience online, following up and reflecting on it online but when it comes to experience it, everything is real. Students from the US and from China partner on projects and all projects are service learning based, they all address a key societal issue as well as all the usual technical and economical aspects traditionally being taught.

Finally a well blended course mixing online and offline learning, intercultural exchanges, social engagement, high technicality and expectations. A learning pleasure! Looking forward to seeing more of those…

Women’Up, a network unlike any others

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

For Mirror Network,by The WoMen’Up Team



At WoMen’Up, we tackle gender diversity issues in a very inclusive manner and follow an innovative approach to gender diversity. Created in 2011, WoMen’Up is the product of both a problem… and its solution.

The three founding members of the society were working on a case study which ultimate conclusion led to the corroboration of the existence – and longevity – of the so-called “glass ceiling”. The theory of the glass ceiling – which really, is no longer a theory – holds that at some point in their professional career, women will reach a hitting point that they cannot overcome. The underlying reason for this relies almost exclusively in biology. Yes, women have children.

But don’t despair, we told you WoMen’Up had the solution!

The founding members, along with other Millennials that had joined the adventure, quickly came to understand the power of something that had long been disregarded: us, Millennials.

The Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, holds two main characteristics: it is the first post-modern generation and the first global generation. We are convinced that Millennials are a revolution, a catalyst for change, the solution to this chronic corporate problem. Why? Because for the first time, boys and girls share the same aspiration: a solid work-life balance.And more importantly, because gender diversity in the workplace has become, in their (our) eyes, a non-issue.

Achieving a balance between personal and professional life had constituted a major feminist demand during the past 30 years. Women have fought for one right: to be, at the same, good mothers, good co-workers and fulfilled women. But today, we have observed the transformation of a strictly feminine claim into a generational demand. Gender diversity policies within companies are nowadays considered less as gender than as generational.

And this changes everything.

This convergence has naturally paved the way for the inclusive approach that defines WoMen’Up. Women need men, and men need women. Relatively easy to grasp, isn’t it?

That is why WoMen’Up is founded upon a three-pillar system: Generation Y, Gender Diversity, Networking.

Besides organising yearlong sensibilisation initiatives revolving around the topics of Generation Y and gender diversity, we have created the Clüb by WoMen’Up, a group of 80+ students, both male and female, that work for a period of six months with our partner companies – global corporations such as Bain & Company, L’Oréal, Total, Capgemini, on topics related to gender diversity. Clüb members not only contribute to the shaping of innovative and lasting gender diversity initiatives, acquire first-hand experience, but also join a professional network before even entering the employment market. And this has proven highly successfully. Millennials understand that they are the key to the success of gender diversity initiatives.

We, at WoMen’Up, are constantly reinventing ourselves, and WoMen’Up in three months might have little to do with WoMen’Up today, but we will always promote the role of Generation Y – regardless of boundaries, origins – as a key change agent.

Mirror Network, with its mission of transforming the world through the Knowledge economy and innovative educational tools and programs across the globe is broadening and enriching the perspectives of change, and proves once again the entrepreneurial spirit and need for change expressed by Millenials, and WoMen’Up is proud to be associated with this project!

To support our cause and follow our initiatives, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram.






Imagine K12 – the Ed-accelerator

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

Education is a market.

Education is a worldwide issue needing all the brightest minds out there to think about its future.

K12 was created to specifically empower startups dealing with the most pressing needs of educational systems. As an accelerator they give money, support, learning but as an expert zone they give access to a well targeted and powerful networks of game changers within the business of education.

Every year, startups can apply for a 3 months program and can count on the teachers in residence, on the educator day and on the final demo day to motivate them and to carefully refine their models to be ready to get more funding and be strong enough to scale up.

Imagine K12 never really stops, the community is strong and paves to way to the educational revolution.

2014 batch is being recruited until August 1st, shall we?

Plug and Play – startups also need to learn

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

A learn-ground for growing tech-startups with the support of more than 180 investors and leading universities at the heart of the Silicon Valley, this is what Plug and Play is.

Startups will get connections, funding, tailor-made courses, data, access to great candidates and an office to strat they game-changing journey. Being small doesn’t prevent from thinking big!

Y combination for the Y generation

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

Welcome to one of the most prestigious accelerator worldwide.

Proven methodology, legendary flair in identify big potential, track record of driving teams towards success – all this with high professionalism, strong expertise and excited passion.

Each teams comes to Silicon Valley for 3 months and preps in the best possible conditions until the DEMO DAY.

One day to seduce investors, one day to share the perfect pitch, one day to leave your mark and give birth to a start up that counts.

The Y combinator isn’t a dream maker, it is a reality shaper.

Dare to take a chance? Tech-destiny at stake.

Pivot is key – learn agility, as a team !

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

Pivotal Lab blends consulting and learning to serve teams.

They help all kind of organizations, from startups to big companies, to improve their coding skills or better said, they empower their teams to master interactions between design, development and product management.

Their process allows improvement software quality, flexibility and costs.

Experts since the 80′s – pioneers of client’s digital enablement

When challenged, get the appropriate help for mobile and web solutions.

Chegg – Student’s genie of the lamp

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

On Chegg, students are kings!

This platform provides US learners with a handful of opportunities to facilitate their studies

- They can rent, buy and sell books online

- They can get help for homework through personalized tutoring and mentoring

- They get access to internships and first jobs offers

Their newly launched career center is indeed very interesting as it will not only showcase all the different careers you could possibly think of but also provide you with all the necessary online courses that you could need to acquire the skills for these jobs. First you find what you want to do, then you make sure that you boost your profile accordingly and therefore are ready for the job you dream of!

Chegg is a must and should soon expand worldwide

Udemy, e-learning democracy

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

3 million students / 10 000 teachers / 18 000 courses

Udemy democratizes online learning and teaching by providing a great marketplace for competences

Not only can you learn anything to everything, at your own pace and with great experts, but you can also be the teacher this time, on your own terms!

Should your thing be business, photography, computer sciences or yoga, you can pick to learn and chose to teach, ensuring the most motivated learners meet the best trainers.

Don’t wait – Udemy provides you with all the tools to make the most of their platform, making high quality knowledge accessible for everyone and recognizing talent under all its forms.

Coding in the Clouds – Vocareum

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

Clearly not my area of expertise but as learning how to code is becoming the next big thing I had to let you know about this new e-learning platform which intends to be the execution backbone for learning.

Try out and let us know!


« We believe that the cloud offers immense opportunity to bring the experience of a full fledged software lab to the browsers of learners worldwide. The Vocareum Cloud Labs leverage cloud infrastructure to enable learners to be a single click away from coding applications. Our platform significantly reduces the time and cost associated with setting up coding assignments. »

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