Degreed, a diploma for everything you learned

I have been dreaming about Degreed and so have you I’m sure.

Imagine if your education wasn’t only about the classes you took but also about that book your read, this article you enjoyed, that conference your went to, etc. Because learning doesn’t only happen in a traditional setting, it happens everyday, everywhere, at any time. Degreed helps you realize what you really learned and keep track of all theses experiences to better showcase your potential as well as plan the next steps in your life long educational path.

You will be accompanied along the way and you will be able to track your progress. Education credentials became a currency and Degreed helps you become richer by adding up to your credentials all the ones that wouldn’t be recognized otherwise.

Organizations can also use Degreed to build their teams, follow up on employees’s trainings and better manager their workforce. Learning is key to the value of companies today.

Begin to see your resume differently and feel empowered to do more!

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