Experience Institute, an education for the real world

The Experience Institute enriches your education with real life experiences to make sure that you are work ready.

Very often, recruiters complain that graduates aren’t prepared for the job. They call it the talent gap. At the EI, they don’t think there is a lack of talent, they think there is a lack of real world experiences allowing you to apply your skills to the job. Therefore they have created a very special one year program to enhance your higher education and make sure that you can land the job off your dreams and make the company that will hire you very happy.

Once you get accepted, connectors from the industry that is of interest to you will make sure you pitch the right team to get a 3 months paid apprenticeship with them and get to experience. But EI doesn’t stop there, they accompany you along the way to make sure you are making the most of the experience. They help you to learn skills that you might need, they help you to step back and reflect on what you are doing and they help you plan for the future.

Finally, learning by doing is as its top!


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