The Future of Learning Program – by Silicon Valley experts

The future is a concern for all of us. It can be fascinating as well as scary but thinking about the future always leads you to think about your present and where you want to take it.

The Institute for the Future is an independent, non-profit research organization with a 45-years track-record of helping individuals as well as organizations shape their future. Based in the Silicon Valley, the team brings together cross-disciplinary skills from the social sciences, public policy, technology, and the creative arts. Together they create and share innovative insights to solve complex challenges. 

They have been working on the future of education and produced: a map called « From Educational Institutions to Learning Flows », specific studies on the future of work, data on tech for kids and developed the amazing concept of « Extreme Learners ». 

Our society is changing because the way we relate to knowledge, to others and to the world is changing. IFTF gives us excellent tools to understand where all this is going and will most certainly help you think, if not find your way forward!

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