Category Archives: Mirror Network

CodeforAmerica, when the government accelerates tech startups

By | Mirror Network | No Comments

Some very talented startups are busy resolving national problems and therefore are helping the government better serve its citizens. It was only normal that it supported their effort by creating a great accelerator: Code for America.

Not only startups participate in the projects but all kind of volunteers who share their coding talents for the public good. A market of ideas for the public good. Inspired and inspiring so if you have developing skills that might be the right place for you to let them shine and impact millions.

A surge for EdTech – a community you must be part of

By | Mirror Network | No Comments

You are interested or involved in EdTech this is a MUST.

Must read, must have newsletter, must contribute to, must be on the very well done website/blog, must use.

It is the place where edtech entrepreneurs, technicians and teachers get to connect. The platform gives you the latest news about the industry as well as facilitates all debates about what technology can or can not do for education. All the vital information about the ecosystem is there: jobs, trends, products, habits, and events.

This is more than a platform it is a vibrant community, be a part of it!

Also, if you are in SF (or any other city that has it) do not miss the EdTech Meetups by EdSurge!

EdShelf, find your right online learning tool

By | Mirror Network | No Comments

Edshelf is a gold mine for educators.

Every online learning tool is presented, reviewed and put on the right shelf so you can find easily. No more looking for ever on the web for the right resources you were looking for to enhance group communication in your english class, or that fun approach to data for 8 years old for your maths class. It’s all there, displayed in the nicest way. Browse by category, subject, age and type of platform you are using and find your pedagogical graal.

Also, Edshelf needs support to continue providing this high quality service so if you like it do not hesitate to contribute.

ReviewEdu, making education simple

By | Mirror Network | No Comments

Finding your way today through all the available educational options available is very difficult. Parents, students, learners in general have trouble finding the best program matching their needs. Also vendors often lack information about their users.

ReviewEdu enables a direct conversation between users and education providers. Learners can access and publis reviews on the products and vendors can get direct feedback to improve their tools and programs. It is a platform aiming at improving the quality of the education delivered to people today.

ReviewEdu simplifies the education world and helps you find your best option.

Thinkful, get a mentor to code

By | Mirror Network | No Comments

Thinkful will help you learn how to code in a very privileged way.

They will fit your busy schedule, help you kickstart your portfolio – when you know, you show! – and provide you with a personal mentor as well as a dynamic tech community of peers to share the adventure with.

You chose your course and get all the tailored support you need. Learning to code on demand in a very high quality environment is now an option.

Your pick!

Experience Institute, an education for the real world

By | Mirror Network | No Comments

The Experience Institute enriches your education with real life experiences to make sure that you are work ready.

Very often, recruiters complain that graduates aren’t prepared for the job. They call it the talent gap. At the EI, they don’t think there is a lack of talent, they think there is a lack of real world experiences allowing you to apply your skills to the job. Therefore they have created a very special one year program to enhance your higher education and make sure that you can land the job off your dreams and make the company that will hire you very happy.

Once you get accepted, connectors from the industry that is of interest to you will make sure you pitch the right team to get a 3 months paid apprenticeship with them and get to experience. But EI doesn’t stop there, they accompany you along the way to make sure you are making the most of the experience. They help you to learn skills that you might need, they help you to step back and reflect on what you are doing and they help you plan for the future.

Finally, learning by doing is as its top!

Degreed, a diploma for everything you learned

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

I have been dreaming about Degreed and so have you I’m sure.

Imagine if your education wasn’t only about the classes you took but also about that book your read, this article you enjoyed, that conference your went to, etc. Because learning doesn’t only happen in a traditional setting, it happens everyday, everywhere, at any time. Degreed helps you realize what you really learned and keep track of all theses experiences to better showcase your potential as well as plan the next steps in your life long educational path.

You will be accompanied along the way and you will be able to track your progress. Education credentials became a currency and Degreed helps you become richer by adding up to your credentials all the ones that wouldn’t be recognized otherwise.

Organizations can also use Degreed to build their teams, follow up on employees’s trainings and better manager their workforce. Learning is key to the value of companies today.

Begin to see your resume differently and feel empowered to do more!

Skillshare, get skilled up

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

Learning isn’t only about the content, the tools or the environment; it is mostly about the people you have around you. Teachers, peers, and yourself of course, that’s what essential to high learning experiences.

Shillshare understood that and enable us to create or take part in new learning communities online.

On the platform you can learn at your best convenience about design, arts, business and technology. Topics match the 21st century needs and content is provided by experts from these industries. No waste in time, focus and money. And obviously you can also become a teacher to really master your skill.

Skillshare is an elearning platform making you smart.

Udacity, your passport to the tech world

By | Cartes Blanches, L.E.D, Mirror Network, Uncategorized | No Comments

Want to land your dream job in tech but don’t know how?!

Udacity is THE learning platform for you and is quite unique as it offers you courses made with the big names of the industries. Facebook, Google, Cloudera, the experts teach you the skills you need to take part in the game. The process is way faster then getting a computer science degree and you are certain to learn exactly what you will need to get the job done. Founders are passionate about life long learning and have your success at heart.

Get your nanodegree in a  few month, study smart and get feedback from practitioners. And don’t worry you can start at any level!

The first step towards your tech dream is yours.

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